Get for free all the necessary info to apply for Italian dual citizenship Jure Sanguinis!


We are the free information division of the worldwide Italians association Associazione Italestero

La AssociazioneItalestero is the global association of Italians residing outside Italy and descendants of Italians born abroad.

We created this free information portal to guide all those born outside Italy who have the right, by descent, to Italian citizenship, inherited by the ascendant born in Italy, and emigrated abroad. No other website provides such extensive and precise information, including regulations, laws and Italian jurisprudency in matters of recognition "jure sanguinis".

What is dual Italian citizenship by descent?

Italian citizenship is passed down from parents to children ("jure sanguinis") and does not provide for generation limits, nor leap of generations. To be entitled to Italian citizenship it is necessary to be a direct descendant of a family member who is an Italian citizen (e.g. great-great-grandfather, great-grandfather, grandfather, father). For the recognition of Italian nationality jure sanguinis it is necessary that the descendants of the Italian ancestor, including the applicant, have never lost Italian nationality and that this is properly verified by administrative/extrajudicial (Italian Consulate or Italian County) or judicial (Italian Courts), that the applicant meets the requirements jure sanguinis. In other words, you are an Italian citizen by birth, if your father or mother were Italian citizens by birth, when you were born, regardless of the birthplace of your Italian father or your Italian mother.

How to apply for dual Italian citizenship?
Do you have a question?
Laws and Jurisprudence governing dual Italian Citizenship Jure Sanguinis